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W&BS Personnel Consulting, Executive Search

W&BS Personnel Consulting specialises in the recruitment of highly qualified specialists for various sectors of the economy. We are able to reach the most inaccessible candidates with unique qualifications and experience. We carry out recruitment processes in the country and abroad.


Ocena: brak ocen

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Dodano: 24 sierpnia 2011

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PPHU BARTEX Andrzej Bartczak

Welcome to the site of company Bartex, im- and exporter of fruit and vegetables. We are located in the middle of the Poland. Bartex distinguishes itself by flexibility, reliability, professionalisme and by years of experience of her employees. This is greatly appreciated by our current and demanding customers. Welcome to cooperation.


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Ocena: brak ocen

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Dodano: 29 maja 2011

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The Mobile User Experience Blog

Blog poświęcony zagadnieniom z zakresu usability, projektowania interfejsów oraz eCommerce w serwisach mobilnych oraz www. Staram się przekazać swoją wiedzę i postrzeganie świata nabyte w czasie projektowania portali i sklepów.


Ocena: brak ocen

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Dodano: 14 września 2007

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www.stormahawk.net - ambient rock experience

Strona poświęcona projektom muzycznym Darka Basińskiego: Stormahawk, Parapsychosa, My Dying Bridge


Ocena: brak ocen

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Dodano: 04 lipca 2007

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Experience Economy

Serwis (blog) poruszający zagadnienia związane z ekonomią doświadczeń / doznań (experience economy), innowacjami, Web2.0 i mass customization.


Ocena: 6/6

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Dodano: 05 sierpnia 2006

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