Wyniki 1 - 3 z 3 posortowane wg oceny

Flight Dispatch Services

Planowanie lotów, obsługa operacyjna, szkolenie dyspozytorów lotniczych, consulting lotniczy.


Ocena: 6/6

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Dodano: 26 października 2007

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Casemaker-specjalistyczne skrzynie transportowe.

Produkujemy skrzynie: 'flight case', techniczne, muzyczne, do samochodów terenowych, rack 19", standardowe, na indywidualne zamówienie. Częstochowa



Ocena: brak ocen

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Dodano: 15 maja 2012

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Private jet booking, flights, charter flights

Private jet booking, flights, charter flights are air connections organized by tour operators to the most popular holiday destinations. Many tour operators, in addition to selling holidays with a flight, also offer the option of buying a plane ticket for a charter flight to popular holiday destinations, without having to buy the entire trip. Private jet booking, flights, charter flights are usually available when a given tour operator failed to sell all the places for holidays with the flight. Thanks to this, the prices of charter flights can be much lower than those of traditional airlines, as they are usually sold in the "last minute" mode.


Ocena: brak ocen

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Dodano: 03 lutego 2023

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